About this exhibit
This online exhibit has been put together with the collaboration of Claremont McKenna College student, Lindsey Betts (2016), and Special Collections, The Claremont Colleges Library.
Lindsey, a senior Literature major, put this exhibit together as part of her CCEPS Fellowship during Fall 2016. Her project was to gather and present a variety of 17th and 18th century science literature existing within the Special Collections. This is the culmination of her work. Enjoy.
For a printout of the list sources click here.
You can read Lindsey's weekly blog entries from her CCEPS Fellowship on the CCEPS Blog, "Out of the Box."
About the Claremont Center for Engagement with Primary Sources (CCEPS)
A Claremont Colleges Library signature program which began in 2014, the Claremont Center for Engagement with Primary Sources (CCEPS) provides opportunities for librarians and faculty to collaborate in developing in-depth learning experiences for undergraduate and graduate students while also promoting our special collections, archival collections, and services as integral to the research, teaching, and learning mission of the library and The Claremont Colleges. Working with both analog and digital methodologies, CCEPS Fellows engage with primary sources by arranging and describing a collection, researching and curating an exhibition in the library or online, or designing and implementing a scholarly digital project. Personal experience enables Fellows to articulate and demonstrate the importance of primary source materials to their research.
For more information visit CCEPS at The Claremont Colleges Library